Remember the 1940s when Neon signs made their first appearance? They were extensively used in endorsement boards and hotel signs. Well, 80 years down the lane, Neon signs are still prominent. In fact, their use in the modern world is extensive. From signboards to bedrooms, Neon signs have found their place everywhere. A better version of Neon signboards, LED Neon lights have been introduced. They are more cost-effective, energy-efficient, more flexible and most importantly very safe. 

LED signboards are great for your business. From attracting attention to enhancing the retaining ability, you can use LED signboards as an effective tool for promoting your business. Here are some unique ways to promote your business. 

As a signboard. 

Simple as that. Make your business signboard in LED Neon signs. They will catch attention from a faraway distance and would make you noticeable. You don’t need to do much in terms of capturing or retaining attention. A bright LED neon sign will do the task. 

As signboards along the way

If yours is a business or property far away from the city centre, you can place signboards along the way to help people reach you. You know how intuitively signs are placed on highways and freeways to guide you towards a particular place. Similarly, you can place those signboards, the only difference being, place those signboards in LED neon lights to guide them better. 

As a promotional tool.

Get your LED signs designed in a unique way. Make it the representation of your brand. Now, place them in a prominent place in your bar, restaurant, salon, club or any other socially active place. Create a photobooth around it. Now every time, people will click a picture and post it on social media, you would be indirectly promoted. 

From nightclubs in Goa to restaurants in Surat, many smart owners are making effective use of LED Neon signs to create unique branding of theirs. 

Symbols along the way. 

Instead of the coffee room, place a symbol or quote in the LED Neon sign. Instead of a motivational quote in a normal setting, replace that with an LED neon signboard. Instead of photo frames place some prominent eye-catching Neon signs. In short, place as many LED signs as possible. They don’t necessarily need to be bright and eye throbbing. A subtle light variation to blend within decor themes is available. Simply, play along with LED Neon signs to establish a vibe.  

Looking for LED signs? Head to RRahi Neon and choose from our extensive portfolio of Neon Sign or if you are someone with a peculiar taste in decor, we would advise you to add your own touch to the decor with Custom Neon Signboards.